Lydia Delgado Uriarte

Web Developer - Data Analyst - Software Engineer

Thanks for stopping by.

I am an enthusiastic software engineer that loves to write code for reaching solutions using powerful programming languages such as Python and C++.

Interested in GUI design with a great passion for creating beautiful web applications built on JavaScript technologies and design dashboards in Tableau.

Extense knowledge in machine learning and artificial intelligence using Pandas and R to analyze data.

Technologies I use

Below there are a list of technologies I'm experienced in






Google Maps API



Italian Trulli

About Me

Software Engineer and Data Analyst with eager of experience interested to acquire knowledge in new technologies and be capable of being an expert in the ones I use. Retrieve prominent data applying the cleanse of data and develop software with recommended tools such as Python, Tableau, MySQL, Pandas, etc. Equipped with various tech skills with a completed certificate in Data Analytics and Visualizations Bootcamp from Tecnologico de Monterrey.

More about Me

During my spare time I enjoy to walk my dog to the park, listen to music and play the piano. I love animals so much, the best part of my days are alongside my dog named Terry, he really has a special place in my heart  ❤

Recent Projects

These are just a few of the projects I have collaborated on.

House Pricing

A machine learning project on a real state database to predict house prices based in the characteristics of the houses.

  • Added Javascript function to calculate the price of the house based on the filters of the house.
  • Done an exploratory analysis of the dataset in Tableau.
  • Design the webpage with Bootstrap, Css and Html.
  • Code Live Demo

    Mystery Island Videogame

    Developed a serious game in C++, alongside a teammate.

  • Programmed the functionality of the game using pointers & polymorphism.
  • Applying character movement, attributes and item properties.
  • Game board creation.
  • Implementation of colors.
  • Code Live Demo

    Syntax Highlighter

    Implementation of a regular expression engine called FLEX to determinate lexical categories.

  • Assign tokens to the lexical categories in lexico.l
  • Elaborate a webpage as a visual representation of the Syntax Highlighter.
  • Technologies used: HTML, Css, C++ and Lex.

  • Code Live Demo


    An analysis on Bikesharing in NY using tableau

  • Created a Dataframe in Pandas from a csv
  • Done aggregation functions
  • Elaborate dashboards for an understandable visualization
  • Code Live Demo


    Webpage that shows UFOs findings in the US.

  • Implemented filters for date city, state, country and shape.
  • Technologies used: Javascript, HTML, Css
  • Deployed in Github Pages.
  • Code Live Demo


    Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

    B.S in Computer Science and Technology
    Aug 2020 - Present

    Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

    Aug 2017 - May 2020


    Ballon LATAM Aceleradora U

    Community service at Ballon LATAM
    Jul 2023


    Hackaton from Tecnológico de Monterrey
    Sep 2022

    Data Analytics and Visualization Bootcamp

    24-week Bootcamp from Tecnológico de Monterrey
    Dec 2021 - Jun 2022

    Data Science with Tableau

    Sep 2021

    Build Visualizations and Dashboards

    Sep 2021

    Exploring Developer Resources

    Sep 2021

    Tableau Prep Builder

    Sep 2021

    Tableau Desktop III: Advanced Level

    Sep 2021

    Tableau Desktop II: Intermediate Level

    Sep 2021

    Tableau Desktop I: Basic Aspects

    Sep 2021

    Basic Concepts of Computer Science

    Jun 2020 - Jul 2020

    I'm available for work.

    Actively contributing to new projects and seeking an internship in a fast-paced, agile environment. Get in touch!

    Contact Me